Kids are home, routines are different, the weather is finally nice, vacations are on the way or even started.
It's good to have some plans to look forward to. Part of the satisfaction of a vacation is getting it all planned. Once things are planned, we can look forward to them!
So, get some plans on your calendar! It doesn't have to be elaborate, there are plenty of things right here in our area that are great fun, and even, free! Like Jazz concerts at Lyndhurst Castle out on the big lawn with the sun setting over the Hudson River, Library reading clubs for kids and adults with prizes and picnics at local parks with friends.
Here in Westchester, our lives can get pretty hectic. That isn't always good for us. Take time this summer to focus on relaxing and kicking back some. Spend time with those you love, extra time. And, make it good; choose to enjoy each other and focus on the good stuff. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you mess up on that one day, try to make the next day better. I like to remind myself each morning; the sunrise is new today, and today I get a new day, a fresh start. And then, I try to make it a good day, even, a great day.
Enjoy the satisfactions of a sweet summer!